Hidden Hollow Elementary Ballroom is a Ballroom Dancing program for kids in 4th, 5th, and 6th grades. It is not limited to just students at Hidden Hollow Elementary, so we encourage you to sign up even if your child goes to a different school, or is homeschooled.
September – May
Class Times:
Level 1: Tuesday & Thursday 3:35-4:35 pm
Level 2: Tuesday & Thursday 4:35-5:35 pm
These are subject to change due to the availability of the building, school schedule, class registration, and COVID-19 regulations.
Level 1 & Level 2: $180 for the full year (that’s approximately $2.85 per lesson!)
Includes a costume fee.
Registration cut-off date: September 30, 2024
Teacher Contact: Eden Barker – hiddenhollowballroom@gmail.com
Acceptance in the ballroom program is based on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE policy. Filling out this application does not guarantee any student a place in a ballroom class. We wish that everyone could participate, but we can only accept a few more girls than boys in each class. If more girls than boys sign up, then the girl’s name will be placed on a waiting list. The girl will be notified if a space becomes available in the class.
Please click on the link below to fill out the Hidden Hollow Elementary Ballroom registration form.